You CAN gain control over your body and your life!

Motherhood changes you in many ways. Perhaps the most important transformation is the unconditional, incomparable love for your child that takes over the first moment you look into their eyes. Because of this love, many moms (both new and seasoned) put their needs aside to tend to their beloved offspring. And although a certain amount of self-sacrifice is expected once you become a parent, taking care of yourself must also remain a priority. If you’ve been struggling to achieve a healthier lifestyle, you’re not alone! But you can do it—all it takes is the right mindset and planning!

1. Commit to it

The first and most important step to getting and staying fit is making the decision to do so. Sounds simple enough—but making a commitment is big. It’s more than thinking about eating better or just eliminating certain foods; it’s about changing your entire mindset.

2. Set realistic goals

It’s important to remember that changes don’t happen overnight. As a busy mom, you’ve got a lot on your plate. Instead of setting goals to lose a certain amount of weight in a short period of time, sit down and write out some long term objectives. Include things like a target weight, or building up to a certain amount of miles you want to be able to jog. Take small steps to reach the finish line.

3. Join a group or recruit a buddy

Even self-motivated mommies need a little support. Imagine how much easier it will be to get in a run around the park (with the double stroller in tow), or a yoga class when you have a friend alongside you? Having a support system helps you stay focused and motivated, especially if you surround yourself with others who have similar goals. It also helps to inform your partner and other family members of your goals so that they can be your cheerleaders as well.

4. Set yourself up for success

Stock up on the foods that you’ll be eating: fresh fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean meats. Fill your fridge and prep healthy snacks ahead of time so that it’s easy to grab something nutritious when you’re hungry. Get rid of all the junk and processed foods that may tempt you to cheat. Plan out your meals in advance to make your week that much easier. If you can get your whole family onboard, you’ll increase your odds of succeeding and will help those you love live a healthier lifestyle as well!

5. Get help

Not everyone is able to go about changing their lifestyle on their own. If you’re a mama who needs a personal trainer, a nutritionist, or a combination of the two, don’t be afraid to get the help you need. Sometimes, it takes having an experienced professional help you attain your goals. There are many fitness centers out there that offer personal trainers and group fitness classes.

As a mom, it’s all too easy to let your own fitness slide when you’re rushing around to doctor’s appointments, soccer games, and school functions. For more information on changing your lifestyle, get in touch with me. As a certified Health coach, and Team Beachbody coach, I can help you implement healthy eating habits and exercise so that you can achieve your short term and long term goals.

The Ultimate Birth Experience
by Gail Janicola

The Ultimate Birth Experience

by Gail Janicola

Learn to take control and proactively choose the birthing options that are best for you and your baby!

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