Boost your mood and energy even while your baby’s onboard

When you’re pregnant, the last thing you may be thinking about is fitting a 3-mile run into your schedule or attending your favorite Pilates class—but the truth is that much of the exhaustion you’re feeling can be alleviated with exercise. Not all moms-to-be are the same, and you should always ask your doctor about exercising when pregnant. However, with some adjustment, most are able to live a fit and active lifestyle even when expecting. If you’re worried about losing your muscle tone, or getting too jiggly, there are numerous ways you can stay fit and feel fabulous throughout your journey to motherhood:

Just 30 minutes every day

According to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, expecting moms should get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day. This can be a 30-minute jog or walk, three 10-minute walks or whichever activity you prefer. The beauty of this recommendation is that it’s more about getting your body moving and blood pumping—so you can split up the work, do it how you want, and still reap the benefits. Remember, just like before you were carrying your child, activity actually reduces fatigue and increases energy. Even if you’re feeling like a lump on a log, once you get moving you’ll find that you feel better.

Take the plunge

If you’ve never had a fitness routine, it’s not suggested that you take up running or weight lifting (or any other strenuous exercise) when you become pregnant. But you can incorporate low impact exercises like swimming, water aerobics, yoga, and walking that are easier and offer numerous benefits for you and your baby. In fact, most pregnant women who participate in prenatal exercise experience fewer backaches, less swelling in the ankles and feet and less fatigue. They also have a better body image and are typically less stressed than those who don’t.

Put on your dancing shoes

Another great way to get moving is to participate in group dance or aerobic classes. These activities get your heart rate up and release endorphins—and let’s face it, dancing is fun! The key is to start out slow, some fitness centers offer classes designed for pregnant women so do some searching. And remember that as your belly expands, you need to be mindful of balance, so you’ll want to adjust your routine to ensure no tripping or falling.

Get pedaling

Riding a stationary bike and participating in a spin class are excellent ways to work out without putting any pressure on your knees or ankles. And because you can ride at your own pace, you can enjoy the cardio benefits without getting too exhausted. Riding a stationary bike allows you to maintain your balance so it’s often easier for moms-to-be than riding outdoors. If you decide to take a class, just let the instructor know you’re pregnant and that you may sit out some of the sprints and hills.

Find your Zen

We have all heard about the benefits of yoga and guess what—they’re all true! Especially for you because this ancient practice fosters relaxation, focus, deep breathing, and increases flexibility. There are many studios out there that offer classes tailored to the needs of pregnant mamas, so you should be able to find one easily. The only thing to keep in mind is to avoid hot yoga. While many people love this technique, it’s not advisable to exercise in extremely high temperatures during pregnancy.

While your body will be going through numerous changes during pregnancy, you don’t have to succumb to defeat or give up your fitness routine. If you’ve been active, or even if you have never been one to exercise, staying fit while you’re expecting can help you in so many ways—including reducing stress, fatigue, and making your labor and delivery easier. Consider trying these low-impact ideas and talk to your doctor before starting any new or more strenuous exercises.

Talk to me about how I can help you stay fit during pregnancy, and how to prepare for and manage labor and delivery. My childbirth classes provide all the information you need to be ready for your childbirth experience including how to read your body’s signals, understanding what your choices are when it comes to medical procedures and medications and how you can get through your experience feeling empowered.

The Ultimate Birth Experience
by Gail Janicola

The Ultimate Birth Experience

by Gail Janicola

Learn to take control and proactively choose the birthing options that are best for you and your baby!

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